SYSTEM: Please welcome ProducerJustBob who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome RallySally who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Da_Mouse who just joined the chat.
Da_Mouse: Good morning :)
Da_Mouse: sflow and Rally Sally: How would you define Liberty?
RallySally: Very Good Morning!
RallySally: Liberty is: Freedom with Morality!
SYSTEM: Please welcome Todd who just joined the chat.
Da_Mouse: Welcome Todd
Todd: Good morning
Todd: Anarchy refers to a society, entity, group of persons or single person without recognition of authority
Da_Mouse: Which is very interesting because that was the basis of Liberty but Liberty itself morphed into morality while Anarchy is viewed as debased
Todd: There is no penlity for violating the Ca Constution because when an elected official or appointed official violates his oath of office, there is no penality under California Law
Todd: w
Todd: We need to make it part of the penial code when you violate your oath of office
Da_Mouse: Yes we do!
Da_Mouse: See you all next week!