SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Craig who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Red who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome RallySally who just joined the chat.
Craig: With four slides.
SYSTEM: RallySally just signed off.
jimmy: how mant signatures are lacking in Shasta county
jimmy: *many
Craig: last i heard was about 6,000... not sure though
jimmy: another secret?
Craig: Cindy's presentation is a gift. She undermines her position by giving it.
Craig: Calling Jefferson unsustainable while arguing in favor of keeping California is the pot calling the kettle black.
jimmy: Yeah Craig it is funny how people say we cannot afford it or we would go broke. Well, how many times has Cali gone broke?
Craig: ugh.
Craig: poor form.
jimmy: awwww
Craig: need a new map.
jimmy: i have signed it, but my wife would like to know where she can sign
Craig: sign it online
jimmy: nice thanks
SYSTEM: jimmy just signed off.
Craig: Derailed again.
SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome ProducerJustBob who just joined the chat.
jimmy: so what do we need to get it to the state legslator
Craig: first state legislature, then congress
jimmy: Right, but do we need the signatures of the citizens to get it to the legislature and who is going to present it?
Craig: I think it would be presented as a bill or resolution.
jimmy: in other words the first step is getting to ca legislature
jimmy: who would present the bill or resilution?
jimmy: *resolution
Craig: thats the second step... first is the declaration. one or all of the representatives we have. I think it would be in their best interests to be co-sponsors of the bill.
jimmy: and the representatives would be our county board of supervisors or city council?
Craig: no, state senators and assemblymen
jimmy: got it. thanks
SYSTEM: Please welcome Lyndia who just joined the chat.
Lyndia: Good Morning to all!
jimmy: Good morning
jimmy: and shasta board of supervisors and redding city council is not on baord?
jimmy: *board
SYSTEM: Please welcome sungold who just joined the chat.
jimmy: Good morning Sungold
sungold: Hi Jimmy
Craig: Shasta board of Supes decided 4-1 that they didnt want to listen to a presentation.
jimmy: that is complete BS. we need to vote them out