SYSTEM: Please welcome TooTallChris who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Red who just joined the chat.
Red: Morning all
SYSTEM: Please welcome Craig who just joined the chat.
TooTallChris: Good Morning Jeffersonians!
SYSTEM: Please welcome DiannaBaird who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
jimmy: good morning SOJ
TooTallChris: Morning to you Jimmy, and you to Dianna
jimmy: Red did you read the article in the Record Searchlight on SOJ in the opinion section? it will make you want to pull your hair out
jimmy: GM Chris
DiannaBaird: The only thing kic has done on behalf of the north state was get a declaration from the democratic committee to not support SOJ
SYSTEM: Please welcome mikeandpatty who just joined the chat.
mikeandpatty: GOOD Morning State of Jeffersonians !
Red: I heard about it Jimmy
mikeandpatty: anyone else having audio problems? played for a bit, then gone. will refresh
jimmy: ok here
SYSTEM: Please welcome Mike&Patty who just joined the chat.
Mike&Patty: got it back, for now anyway
Mike&Patty: Sue Gallagher wrote crap about SOJ in the Red Bluff Daily News, I responded on line and sent the same response as a letter to the editor
jimmy: mike and patty, did you read the BS this guy wrote in the record searchlight ?
Mike&Patty: no, I'll try to pull it up online
jimmy: get ready for your blood pressure to rise
Mike&Patty: what day and where in the paper, haven't found it yet. Just the poll
jimmy: in the "Opinion" section
Mike&Patty: okay, thanks
Mike&Patty: I found Sally's letter, didn't find the other one
Mike&Patty: I like the way this guy thinks, I'm all for tent city for prisoners
jimmy: LMAO
SYSTEM: Please welcome RallySally who just joined the chat.
Mike&Patty: hey, everyone needs to go to the Record Searchlight and vote in the poll "do you think the State of Jefferson will happen", right now it's overwhelmingly NO. Probably all KIC votes
RallySally: Only subscribers can vote-that's why it is so lopsided.
jimmy: will check it out
Red: KIC are the only people that suscribe
jimmy: just to let you folks know i bought a paper for the ads. need a new drill
jimmy: someone was nice enough to steal my new one from a jobsite i was on
Mike&Patty: I voted, guess it doesn't register, huh?
Mike&Patty: Mike called an office in Sac that wanted to refer him to his own "representative", if that happens to you, make sure you tell them that's indicative of our problem, and they've made our point.
SYSTEM: Please welcome TooTallChris who just joined the chat.
TooTallChris: I talked to Bosenko about putting the jails on a 2 day or 3 day shifts. Cant do it in Calif.
jimmy: Hey Red. Are you going to be at the station for the next 20 minutes or so. I would like to drop off this article to you if that is ok.
Red: Yeah, I'm here
jimmy: ok I am on my way. ;)
SYSTEM: Please welcome Lyndia who just joined the chat.
Lyndia: Good morning
SYSTEM: Please welcome tatonk who just joined the chat.
Mike&Patty: good morning
Lyndia: Hey guys hows it go?