SYSTEM: Please welcome Mike&Patty who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Wiedy who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome RallySally who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Da_Mouse who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Da_Mouse who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Red who just joined the chat.
Red: Morning
RallySally: Mornin' Red!
Wiedy: I would love to hear a breakdown by city and county of the SoJ supporters that are running for office. Morning Red and Sally
RallySally: You are so right about the difference in the questions being asked this year at the gun show. I experienced that too yesterday.
RallySally: Wiedy-that is a good point. We should have that information up on our webpage.
SYSTEM: Please welcome diannabaird who just joined the chat.
diannabaird: Good morning all!
SYSTEM: Please welcome ProducerJustBob who just joined the chat.
RallySally: Mornin' Dianna! Please notice the above question.
RallySally: From Wiedy.
diannabaird: I did and will advise Steve
diannabaird: Might also want to note whether any of them are SOJ supporters
RallySally: Absolutely-I would only put up the candidates that DO suppport SOJ. We got a committment out of Jow Montes yesterday. At the gun show he came wearing the magnetic SOJ pin on his lapel.
RallySally: Joe Montes
Mike&Patty: Montes will be at the Corning Patriots meeting March 31st
RallySally: Excellent!
diannabaird: Sally, Steve gave that pin to Joe with the caveat that it can/will be taken away.
diannabaird: Basically, telling him we are watching him.
RallySally: Well, he wore it proudly yesterday!
diannabaird: Glad to hear it.
diannabaird: He did well at the candidate forum.
RallySally: Did you see the article that Ted wrote in the Mountain Democrat? He wants to lower taxes! How is he going to do that?
Da_Mouse: it's rhetoric grrrr
RallySally: People should go there and comment.
RallySally: Or better yet, go to his facebook page and post this article and comment on it.
Da_Mouse: If I did my f
Da_Mouse: inances like California I'd be very wealthy or very much in jail
RallySally: Hey Red-that commercial reminded me that we need you to make another PSA for our upcoming Townhall.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Morning who just joined the chat.
RallySally: We should make some new commercials while you're at it!
Red: K. Bug me about it Sally or I'll forget
RallySally: Ok. When can you do it?
RallySally: Can you come early to the Tea Party and do it then?
RallySally: We have Pastor Dave Bryan coming tomorrow night!
SYSTEM: Please welcome tatonka who just joined the chat.
tatonka: Elvis is in the building