SYSTEM: Please welcome ProducerJustBob who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome ... who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Wiedy who just joined the chat.
Wiedy: Good morning
Red: Morning
SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
jimmy: good morning SOJ
Red: Morning
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Please welcome ... who just joined the chat.
Wiedy: Blood treasure and sacred honor
jimmy: Hi Red. Exactly what is the court case SOJ has going on now? Is it because they did not recognize the petition that was sumitted?
jimmy: submitted*
jimmy: and was that petition supposed to get SOJ on the ballot?
jimmy: yes . thank you
SYSTEM: Please welcome Lyndia who just joined the chat.
Lyndia: Good morning
jimmy: GM Lyndia
Lyndia: GM Jimmy
jimmy: Sadly I have to go to The southern California asylum periodicaly for work.
jimmy: Like when william Wallace said" We are so busy squabbling over lonshanks scraps we have missed our God given right to freedom"
jimmy: already turned in my ballot. I hope Steve Baird gets it