SYSTEM: Please welcome Rrd who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Red who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Wiedy who just joined the chat.
Wiedy: Good morning
SYSTEM: Please welcome RallySally who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
jimmy: Just in case anyone is by 7-11 on placer. There is an agressive panhandler in front of the store
jimmy: dirtbag
jimmy: aggressive*
jimmy: signed up for the meeting on the 23rd. very excited
jimmy: I missed the first 10 minutes or so of the show. Has anyone mentioned the brexit?
jimmy: are there simularities to SOJ?
Red: Not yet
jimmy: a year or so ago it went to vote to break away from England
SYSTEM: Please welcome RTE who just joined the chat.
jimmy: scotland that is
RTE: So how long is Steve up for?
Wiedy: Do we need to sign up to go?
SYSTEM: Please welcome RallySally who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Kat who just joined the chat.
jimmy: yes Wiedy. Go to
Kat: He's leaving shortly after the radio show.
RTE: We need a SJexit vote here in California
jimmy: 8 miles north of Yuba city
RTE: We need to have Pete Peters relay the meeting information over KQMS
Wiedy: Got it registered.
Kat: Wiedy, glad to see you are quick to respond by signing up for the first Assembly. See you on the 23rd.
RTE: Why is this guy Ted Gains have a name like that when he's really a Loss?
jimmy: LOL
jimmy: When we split from CA, i bet it will makes world news
jimmy: funky song
jimmy: who is that?
RTE: Agenda 21 is going down in flames. John Kerry thinks he can save the communist dream.
Wiedy: The brush fires of Liberty have been set in the minds of men.
RTE: What scares me about England is the influx of Muslims. London even has a Muslim mayor!!!!
RTE: The real fight will t be banning Shariah Law
jimmy: Yeah RTE. We were in Manchester and Blackburn England last year. When going through customs the signs are in english and arabic. We drove through HUGE muslum communities in Blackburn
jimmy: They DO NOT assimulate either.
jimmy: There was a big muslum rally near Dearborne Mich. where they were burning American flags.....ARGH
RTE: Muslims are migrating, not to as simulate, but to procreate and take over by populating.
jimmy: yup
Kat: Resistance is futile. We cannot and will not comply.
RTE: We should not allow Shariah Law as it is not fair to all people, especially women.
Wiedy: It's called a Hijra. The last great Hijra went into Spain in the 700s and took a thousand years before the were expelled.
RallySally: you should read the editorial in todays paper! I posted it up on the Shasta county for State of Jefferson facebook page.
RTE: If someone wants Shariah, then go back to where they came from. You know, the powerful Muslim countries will not accept the so called refugies
SYSTEM: Please welcome Tatonka who just joined the chat.
Tatonka: Supp my peeps
RallySally: Good morning Tatonk!
RTE: Hello Tonktaters
RallySally: Did you get a rejection letter from the Grand Jury Tatonka?
Wiedy: Guten morgan
SYSTEM: Please welcome Lyndia who just joined the chat.
Lyndia: Good morning
Tatonka: Yes I did Sally
Tatonka: I love TATERS TOTS
RTE: Me too
RallySally: Shirlyn will be at the meeting on MOnday and wants to see it and talkwi th you and anybody else who got rejected. I think she is still pursuing the issue.
Tatonka: Seems that I have a moral turpitude problem
RallySally: Win-did you get a rejection letter? Red?
Tatonka: Thats Good news because we need to stick it to the MAN
RTE: It is immoral to some of the reddingites to be a jefesonian
RTE: we is trouble makers
RallySally: Where do you find this music?
SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
jimmy: The Dubliners?
RTE: Is this music from Bob?
RTE: Dubliners must be the IRA
RallySally: Thanks Buzz!
jimmy: dont think
jimmy: so RTE
RTE: You have to realize that the NRA is moocho happier with Jefferson than it is with California
jimmy: Then again they ceartainly are not Ulstermen
RTE: Nor are they transgender
jimmy: I am waiting for california to ban the Red Ryder bb gun because it holds more than 10 rounds ;)
Kat: And you're likely to shoot your eye out.
jimmy: LOL
RTE: California was always referred to the Land of Queers when I was in the service during Nam
jimmy: and it has only gotten worse