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SYSTEM: Please welcome Cavemancarl who just joined the chat.
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SYSTEM: Please welcome jimmy who just joined the chat.
jimmy: Good morning SOJ
jimmy: can anyone see my posts?
..: i see you jimmy ,
..: morning
jimmy: ;)
jimmy: So dont we still need to get SOJ on a ballot to have our 51% majority vote?
jimmy: what is our next step from here/
Cavemancarl: Court
jimmy: Carl, are you saying we are going to circumvent the ballot and go tocourt?
Cavemancarl: N0. Gotta sue Kalifornia to force them to the table
jimmy: This where we are going to serve Gov. Brown, right/
jimmy: and that nunce Gavin greusome, oops i meant Newsome
Cavemancarl: I hope so
jimmy: what a conviluted mess
jimmy: I have a few questions. what are the next few steps that need to be taken to see SOJ be finalized? and when and where is the next assembely.
Cavemancarl: We need to win the court case to force cal to let us go. Most important thing
Cavemancarl: If the Feds do not give up power the county sheriff arrests them