SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
sflow: u welcum :_)
SYSTEM: ShakaBob just signed off.
sflow: thank god we the people now :-)
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
sflow: there better not be another bbgame to enter fear with it this weekend lol !!!!
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
sflow: that suxed last weekend :-(
RTE: There are good recordings though.
sflow: is this live today ?¿?
sflow: tdammmmmm tapeddddddddd shiiiiiiiitttttttttt
RTE: Everything is working.
sflow: i should have know when they didnt get in the chatroom shittttttt
RTE: So this is what show?
sflow: a prerecored we the people :-(
sflow: no chat or call in
RTE: Thanx... Bob is sick today.
sflow: so the others were live
RTE: But was this aired before today?
sflow: it was taped just like boomer tech in the week
RTE: This is all happening because our congress has no spine.
sflow: boomer tech use to be a very good show not anymore !!!!!
sflow: just like satturdays programing 2mths of repeats lol
RTE: WE have a few very good men in congress that get stepped on by the lobby loving politicians.
sflow: i hope carl still is getting paid lol for those shows
RTE: I'm sure he is.
sflow: did you get my shake a bob joke rte hehe !!!!!!
RTE: Bob Martin?
sflow: no the chat room guy
RTE: More like wabbaling
sflow: shakebob hehe
sflow: i like this station but all these old and prerecored shows sux
RTE: The media is really a crucial problem.
RTE: I wonder which Bob is ShakaBob?
sflow: i have fun in we the people
sflow: neither of ours he was in just for sovle minds lol
sflow: it wasnt bb or jb
RTE: We are lucky to be able to be having fun... the way things are going we'll be imprisoned for speaking out.
sflow: jade helm 15 is urban wars games for the govt to see how they can take over the cities for the govt !!!!!!!!
sflow: they already have the camps set up for that !!!!
sflow: the tyrains running throught redding are full of miltary vechiels lol headwed north . tht a fact jack lol !!!!
RTE: This is from an aired show. ... Jade Helm
sflow: yesterday to big chinook helos headed north
RTE: I think they'd better not try unless they have foreign troops.
sflow: in formation
RTE: It's just sick what is going on in our government.
sflow: why is the nat guard fighting oversea's ?¿?
RTE: To keep the patriots busy so they can have no opposition here.
sflow: are they not to be here instead ?¿?
RTE: I wish Mr O would try to call marshal law, I believe that he would be coo'd
sflow: didnt he do that in boston ?¿?
RTE: That was done carefully, no one but a cop and terrorist was killed. It was befor we were fully aware.
sflow: i still waiting for the report on how many bullets they shot at graham ?¿?!!!!!! overkillll lol
RTE: I've decided that if they want my guns, I will give them as much spent ammo first.And I will give it to the men at the door personally.
sflow: why did we have nine of our guys out from there juradistrict there to beging with ?¿?
sflow: begin
sflow: no know thy spent the most shell's into him :-(
sflow: they
RTE: The border agents want to do their jobs. They are being held back by our wonderful administration...
sflow: thats what the gaurd is for not over seas
RTE: If you want to see something informative: watch I just posted it last Monday.. needs more hits.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Boo who just joined the chat.
sflow: funny how the meat wagon helos are sooo much louder the the chinooks lol
RTE: It's hard to listen to this because it is just reporting a problem we know about. We need to do something, not just sit on our Ars.
sflow: one just flew over
Boo: Where are the chinooks sflow? Just joined, lost.
sflow: i hate when i hear a cdf plane fle over us
sflow: yesterday boo headed north
sflow: two in formation
sflow: about noon time
Boo: what part of town?
sflow: i am in shasta lake city
Boo: I missed them and what's their mission?
sflow: who knows
Boo: I just opened your link RTE, will watch it a bit later.
sflow: why are there all the miltary vechiles on the trains headed north ?¿?
Boo: I think their building a beautiful community for all the illegals and many MJ plants to help them make money from the sales.
Boo: The Mother of Joshua was on FOX, very sad.
sflow: well they dont want us indians getting envoled in that lol hehe !!!!!!
Boo: Be proud Indian
sflow: our little plots of land lol !!!!
sflow: that they let us have lol!!!!!!
Boo: Hey, I'm a Pollock and won't give me crapola.
sflow: i was looking up about other tribes in cali . and the crap they did to us :_(
sflow: look what happen to isis they killed him
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
sflow: the schools were dam prison camps
sflow: force a regligon on us .stop our native tounge
Boo: Can you speak your native tongue?
sflow: sterlize our woman just like the planparenthood lol
sflow: not enough
sflow: need to learn more :_(
Boo: I can't speak Polish even though I remember my grand parents speaking it fluently.
Boo: Taking a break....
sflow: i am souix and pottawomi
sflow: 50?50 hehe
sflow: 50/50
sflow: on the rolls
sflow: cept souix dont count me cause i not full blood lol .
sflow: on the pottawatiomi lol
sflow: you to look them up ?¿?
sflow: almost 1pm beer run time hehe be back hehe
SYSTEM: Please welcome HorseCreekMike who just joined the chat.
sflow: i dont know why the chatroom doeasnt stay open all day lol ?¿?
sflow: ¿ello horse yatahey
sflow: be back this show is prerecored :-(
sflow: i am back hehe !!!!!!
sflow: anybody miss me hehe ?¿? !!!!!
SYSTEM: HorseCreekMike just signed off.
sflow: let miss guees this is a white middle class citzen on there show now lol !!!!!!
sflow: who speaks perfect ebonics lol
sflow: eric clapton !!!!!
sflow: only one here :_(
sflow: wonder if nascar is on hehe
sflow: will count the rebel flags hehe !!!!!
sflow: don mecanlan
sflow: bad spell lol
sflow: is this guy japanese hehe ?¿? !!!!!!
sflow: lol they misse the button lol
sflow: lol i bet they had soooo much fun with this guy lol finger on the button all the time hehe lol !!!!!!
sflow: nothing like lilly white laughing the whole time lol !!!!!
sflow: erin
Boo: This show was pre-rcorded sflow, just called. Cya next week.
sflow: i know it was i told you it was lol