sflow: jb is we the people live or precored today ?¿? !!!
SYSTEM: Please welcome eddie515 who just joined the chat.
eddie515: eddie515
SYSTEM: Please welcome Erin who just joined the chat.
Erin: Looks like it's just us chickens today
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
eddie515: Cluck, Cluck, Cluck
eddie515: Hey, sflow
SYSTEM: Please welcome Xerxes who just joined the chat.
sflow: just this idiot that tank toy called me in his last show lol !!!!
Xerxes: How do I turn on the sound?
sflow: reboot
SYSTEM: Please welcome Dan who just joined the chat.
Xerxes: The Iranians are Arabs not Persians, the mullahs are usurpers
Erin: Just under the active icon you clicked on to get this chat room you will see a sound bar with a triangle that normally indicates "play". That turns the sound on.
Erin: It's a two part process to get chat and sound.
Xerxes: Got it on thank you
Erin: ;-)
sflow: huh nevr new that for the other people getting into the chatroom
Xerxes: And the West failed to support the Persian people during the uprising
sflow: yet we have a tv show for them lol
sflow: shahs of sunset lol
sflow: my aunt is a persin from iran !!!!!!
Xerxes: The Iraq-Iran war took a generation of Persians
eddie515: What does she think?
sflow: perisan*
Erin: Ah, that explains the age range.
eddie515: Wasn't it over a million kills in war with Iraq?
eddie515: killed
sflow: her fam is persian and greek family hehe
sflow: talk about the mix hehe !!!!!!!
sflow: shes overseas now visting her fam now !!!!
eddie515: The Shaw was a beast that we supported
Erin: Just don't let the Greek side run the family budget
sflow: lol
Dan: If the people who over thew the Shah are behind this and most people are under 40 then they were not around in the 1970's or did I not understand bills question 19
eddie515: Ouch!
SYSTEM: Please welcome Xerxes who just joined the chat.
sflow: she vists both sides of her fam when she goes overseas
Xerxes: Many more dead than official numbers
Erin: We're trying to piece the history together to make sense of how we got here ;-(
SYSTEM: Please welcome Boo who just joined the chat.
eddie515: That totally makes sense
sflow: how who got here erin ?¿? !!
Erin: how Iran got to this point in history because we don't get the whole story by any means in our media
: not seeing chat
sflow: are you persian ?¿?
Erin: sorry, my comment got stuck and was out of sequence
sflow: ok lol
Dan: Relative to the vote on Iran policy how???
ProducerJustBob: try rebooting if youre not seeing chat
sflow: dan always has problem in the chatroom lol hehe
Erin: the Iranian population isn't in favor of the deal at all
sflow: we see him
SYSTEM: Please welcome Boo who just joined the chat.
Erin: Hi Boo
sflow: ¿ello boooooooooo hehe
SYSTEM: Xerxes just signed off.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Xerxes who just joined the chat.
Dan: Go along with Obama is that where you are going with the contents of this program. Wonder how our congressman is going to vote?m
Xerxes: Sound in and out
Erin: How about logging in again : if you can't see the chat. I got your PM but can't see you in my guest list ;-(
Erin: No Dan, the other way around
sflow: see dan its working lol
Erin: The Iranians are not in favor of the deal at all. We are being told that but it's a lie.
Dan: Good
Erin: We thought that we should start a bit before present day to make sense of why they don't support it because without the history it isn't really believable to say the oppose it
Erin: P.S. Doug is not in favor of the deal at all
sflow: they have a big x on there backs now
Xerxes: Please, it is the Persians who are against it, not the Iranians who are Arabs
Erin: Most of congress is not
Erin: They can't even see the side deals. No way they support some secret deal.
Erin: beware the media spin, however, to get the citizens all sideways and freaked out
SYSTEM: Please welcome LVDAD who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Xerxes just signed off.
sflow: a low [powerd emp they will be able to do !!!!!!
SYSTEM: Please welcome Xerxes who just joined the chat.
Xerxes: This internet is not so good
Erin: Sorry ;-( Sometimes chat is great and other times .... not so much
Xerxes: You do not need nuke for Magnet Pulse
Erin: true
Dan: People are starting to get the main streem media is not telling the truth.
eddie515: Do you think our media has both sides of the story or even understand it?
Dan: no
Xerxes: No, Western media does not understand Persia at all
eddie515: I concer!
sflow: you can go online and find those channels online
Erin: Internet Explorer browser isn't screwing up on the chat for me today. What are the folks whose chat is working using today?
Xerxes: They do not even know there is difference between Persian and Iranian
Xerxes: No such thing as Iranian, it is a made up name by Arab invaders
Erin: HA!!
Erin: That's what we were going to ask!
sflow: no but you can find tv and radio shows from overseas on it lol
Xerxes: Iran is stupid name from a stupid German
Erin: What was Iran supposed to be called?
Xerxes: Persia
Erin: Wasn't Russia called Persia when we were kids?
sflow: opie lol
eddie515: Thanks Andy
Xerxes: NO!!!!
Erin: Ugh, so much for geography class in the 60's
Erin: big surprise.
Xerxes: Iran name did not come until 1935
sflow: one is newer one is older life !!!!!
Erin: Good think you are here to straighten us out Xerxes! You are a wealth of information.
Erin: Are you also part of the group with Hamid?
Xerxes: No
Erin: Oh, well you are a great compliment to what he is sharing
Erin: Glad you joined us today ;-)
sflow: even on twitter
Xerxes: Persia was once a very forward and free nation now run by swine
Dan: Ditto
Erin: I did know that because there are so many pictures of the people in very modern clothing and doing very modern things up until the 70's or so. They took the country backwards
Erin: women were not subjects then
Erin: It all goes down the drain with "Islamic State" in the driver's seat
sflow: my aunt say she is a perisan from iran !!!!!!
Xerxes: Now Persia must bow to the Chinese for scraps
Erin: such a waste
SYSTEM: Please welcome Boo who just joined the chat.
Erin: Hi Boo. You get booooooted off?
Erin: darn chat is screwing up today
SYSTEM: Please welcome Boo who just joined the chat.
Erin: sorry about that guys. thanks for struggling through
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
sflow: dam it rebooted by it self lol
Xerxes: That is what it is like when you are infidel in your own home
eddie515: When you think it is bad here, think of opposing the government in Iran
Erin: that is a REAL struggle
sflow: ha i like baseball too hehe a joke hehe
Erin: please disreagard the land trust commercial. we despise land trusts.
eddie515: We are the government and we're here to help!
Erin: and we'll just hold onto this piece of land for you in safe keeping
Erin: operative word .... KEEPING
eddie515: Amen
Erin: Eddie is locked out ;-(
Xerxes: Revolt with what? Would the West give guns? Air power? Naval blockade?
Xerxes: I think not
eddie515: With 3 public exicutions a day, I would think the people would revolt
Xerxes: The Persians would fight and make a good country not like those goat herding peasants in Iraq
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
sflow: sflow
Xerxes: It is easy for you to say revolt, you have your own guns
Xerxes: Your military is your people, not an invader
sflow: wow had to reboot lol
Erin: Bill's mouse shut off. lots of glitches today
Erin: let's blame the land trust guys LOL
sflow: ask him about turkey have ass fighting the the isis war ?¿? !!!!
Erin: whuut?
sflow: arent iran and the turks on diff sides with isis ?¿?
Erin: did I get your question s? Remind us if we don't circle back on it and forget (as we so often do)
eddie515: I think the Iran govnm. is fighting the Turks
eddie515: Does the population of Iran agree with that position?
sflow: tank you erin !!!!!
Erin: Xerxes has been helping us learn things on the chat. X ... are you still with us?
Xerxes: I am here
eddie515: This is a very complicated topic
eddie515: There are lots of players
Erin: What do you know about the turks / iran issue? where are the iranian people in all of that?
sflow: i just wanted to know who is fighing them and who is suppoted them ?¿? !!!!!!
eddie515: Sorry, I keep pulling him off topic
eddie515: My Bad
sflow: is that chat being jammed hehe
eddie515: Human rights use to be a big issue for the US, not anymore
eddie515: If you can't beat them, release the sanctions? WTF
Xerxes: The Ottomans do not care about about the non-believers, they are killing there enemies for them
sflow: supported them ?¿? !!!!
eddie515: Another apoligy tour
Xerxes: ISIS is not Muslim anymore than your Ku Klux Klan is Christian
sflow: its like you guys are being jammed for this show hehe !!!!!!!!!!
Xerxes: They are thugs and criminals hiding behind lies, but they kill Kurds, they kill Syrians so they don't bother the Turkish Ottoman
eddie515: You change it over there by changing the leadership here!
sflow: no cause we now do all the other contries then our own lol !!!!!
eddie515: Oops, I forgot, we don't have a leadership. We lead from behind
Xerxes: How does it help Persia?
Xerxes: Is America going to come blow everything up and leave again?
eddie515: Get rid of the religous leadership?
sflow: what is iran doing about isis ?¿? !!!!
Xerxes: Why would they?
eddie515: Supporting them
Xerxes: Iran will watch ISIS grow until America comes and bleeds itself in the sands
eddie515: Sadly you are correct
Erin: Horrible but likely true
Xerxes: Then they will leave and come again
sflow: chat running slow troday lol !!!!!!
Erin: It's putting us to the test
eddie515: Look at Afganistan
sflow: tochee hehe
eddie515: The locals need to fight there own fight, we can help but they need step up
Xerxes: America will go to war with the Chinese and Russian for Persian people?
sflow: you guys need to move to the 9 to the 11 am time slot erin !!!!!
Xerxes: Putin will go to war with you
eddie515: She isn't a morning person!
eddie515: Putin is going broke
Erin: I'd do it for you though
Xerxes: So are you
eddie515: You're right
sflow: to break up the id¿its over there hehe lol !!!!!!!!!
Erin: oh yes, running out of ink for the presses
eddie515: I love you sflow!
Erin: we're all about information and low on opinion here. nobody cares what we think. they want experts!
Xerxes: Middle East will always be tribes
Xerxes: Even in own countries, tribes
Xerxes: No peace ever
Erin: interesting, yes
Erin: humans are scrappers
eddie515: You mean we can't go over and setup a government for them?
Erin: just don't seem to come pre-disposed to kumbaya
sflow: obama plays the game of risk everymoring with hiss family and and at bedtime lol !!!!!!!!
Erin: we need to stop "helping"
Xerxes: Obama is very good at this game
Xerxes: Very smart man
eddie515: Right, but who's team is he on?
Xerxes: If you must ask that, it proves how smart he is
eddie515: Oh, I know the answer!
Erin: Certainly not the American side of anything
sflow: its running half a min to see it lol !!!!!
Xerxes: He is America's enemy, he is our enemy, but he convinces you the destruction is your fault
eddie515: He is the Liar and Chief
Erin: theif
Erin: thief
eddie515: Thanks
Xerxes: Very smart, you abandon your blessings because you are guilty gor being blessed
Erin: lots of options
Erin: theef
Erin: now stuff is coming out in reverse order. ruining my fun.
SYSTEM: Please welcome RTE who just joined the chat.
eddie515: I believe you only get what you are willing to fight for.
Erin: add a little truth and that would help a whole lot!
SYSTEM: Please welcome JohnKerry who just joined the chat.
sflow: tank you :-)
JohnKerry: Doesn't anyone want to welcome me?
Erin: How's that little pink girl's bike working out for you?
Erin: watch out for pot holes
Xerxes: There is a difference between a brave man fighting for beliefs and an idiot committing suicide to prove a point
eddie515: If you are not willing to fight and keep what is yours, then don't whine when the bully takes it away.
Erin: You are a shrewd negotiator Mr. K ... not
JohnKerry: that was a set up....
sflow: i a tribe xerxes i a native american a injun hehe !!!!!!
Erin: Good point X!
Xerxes: I'll leave that to the Arabs
Erin: Lord knows they love to fight just because they can
Erin: actually, it's probably because they've been doing it so long they can't figure out what else to do
Erin: habits a brutal
JohnKerry: Please no fighting.. I will give them Israel.. if we could just all be happy.
eddie515: Anyone who waits for someone else to fight for their rights is bound to loose them
sflow: put me in coach hehe lol !!!!!!!!
eddie515: Good one
sflow: chief of ghrief lol !!!!!
eddie515: That sounds like a very good seminar
sflow: how are we blessed ?¿? !!!
Erin: I'd really love to go and meet Hamid
Xerxes: Did not America have France when they fought Britain?
Erin: Who would have thought that I'd find a group from Berkeley that is so fitting for We the People! Nice surpise!
Erin: surprise. What the heck is wrong with my typing!
eddie515: And France was aleady at war with Britain
JohnKerry: I'm going to tell Pelosi...!
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
eddie515: Write her a letter, she won't read it
sflow: how the hell arew we blessed over here .we lose are rights everyday lol !!!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: Still worth fighting for
eddie515: Things are going to get a lot worse I'm afraid
sflow: yaaaaaaaa f u lol hehe
JohnKerry: It's all Ketchup to me....
eddie515: OK Lurch
sflow: did you run over a banna slug lol !!!!!!!
JohnKerry: Please resect your leaders... or we'll jail you...
Erin: went to Humboldt State. Oh, the fun we had with banana slugs
eddie515: Lets give them Billions of dollars, that will make it all ok
Erin: dormatory games all night long.
Erin: slugs in the showers and everywhere else
eddie515: Secular governments in that reigon don't have a long history
Xerxes: What is a secular republic?
Xerxes: It is what there is now
sflow: coldplay good band !!!!!
Erin: his definition is that it isn't one religion running things
Xerxes: He just wants a different flavor
Erin: and imposing their beliefs on everyone as government
eddie515: Why can't they be just like us??
Erin: oh wait, they are but you die if they find out
Erin: not much of an incentive to progress
eddie515: Oh wait, we're going broke too.
JohnKerry: You just don't know how hard it is to deal with the Iranians... You have to be careful not to offend them or they won;t give an inch.
Xerxes: Should we want to be just like you? Why?
sflow: well wasnt sure it took over tomins to get into the chatroom lol !!!!
JohnKerry: So I thought I would fool them and give them a mile.
Erin: I know. Mine is all screwed up too. Eddie's computer just shut off.
Erin: Now we can talk about him ha!
Xerxes: John Kerry gave what he was told to give
Erin: Holy cow, without him in here my stuff is posting super fast. Eddie was the problem!
JohnKerry: My NSA buddies are great... they even have you IP numbers... We'll see who;s boss.
Erin: Drats. He found the power cord
eddie515: We have MTV and great Mexican food
JohnKerry: Having Meat Loaf tonight Bob?
sflow: no it sounds like the game of risks that they all play with our lives lol
Erin: so much truth in that S
Xerxes: Very good eddie pregnant girls and cultural food from your servants. You sold me.
eddie515: The world doesnt look to the US for leadership anymore
Erin: xerxes, you are very much on your game today!
eddie515: Oh, there is so much more!
JohnKerry: What are you saying Eddie? We're tough dealers....
eddie515: We tend to be fixated on ourselves
Erin: it's easy to do that when you aren't killed for your beliefs
Xerxes: Didn't your mother tell you that will make you go blind eddie?
Erin: HA!
eddie515: Just until I need glasses
JohnKerry: No, Trump is the fixated one... he'll mess up my communist dream..
sflow: we will have to fight for are rights against this govt !!!!!!
eddie515: Great chat today folks
eddie515: I love it
JohnKerry: It was a downer for me!!
eddie515: Talk to you all again next week