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SYSTEM: Please welcome eddie515 who just joined the chat.
eddie515: Welcome all
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SYSTEM: Please welcome ele who just joined the chat.
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eddie515: Today we talk Indians and Tribal Law
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ele: Great topic. I hope Elaine explains how this tribalism will affect every state.
eddie515: It's more interesting than you might think
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SYSTEM: Please welcome Erin who just joined the chat.
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eddie515: Back in the days of slavery
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Erin: The CERA Journal is amazingly informative.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Bear who just joined the chat.
Bear: anything being discussed about the Oregon Situation?>
eddie515: How is it that american indians get their own nation and get the same protections under the constitution as citizens. Wouldn't other nations also be qualified for the same protections if they are not citizens? Stay tuned.
eddie515: The Oregon situation?
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
eddie515: Where you been my friend?
sflow: The Untold History of American Indian Slavery
sflow: we were used before the brought the blacks over here !!!!!!!!!!
Erin: people have dominated each other since the beginning of time. seems to be some sort of human flaw we can't outrun
sflow: she keeps talking about the 1800's she needs to go even farther back in time lol !!!!!!
Erin: I think you'll be surprised at how the treaty / BIA policy is affecting us now
Erin: seems we've walked ourselves into a blind alley where nobody wins
sflow: bia suxs erin for us
sflow: we dont need mangers lol
eddie515: Federal Indian Law Seems to have took off in the 1850s
Erin: it sucks for everyone and is poorly run (needless to say)
sflow: we were doing just find before lol !!!!!
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eddie515: Most of the idians and blacks were not citizens prior to the civil war
sflow: ask here if shes knows about the native slaves brfore the blacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sflow: yes we were the first nation eddie
Erin: her book covers a whole lot of history - way more than she'll be able to do today
eddie515: Correct
sflow: once i knew she was going to be on
sflow: i did my on looking back
sflow: who cares they took it from us !!!!!!!!!!
Erin: and we have paid for so much of it over and over and over again
sflow: it was our land first !!!!
sflow: you knew i would get on line today hehe
SYSTEM: Please welcome mikey who just joined the chat.
eddie515: In every war there are winners and loosers. Right or wrong, it's always the case
eddie515: I'm really glad you are with us today sflow
sflow: we didnt want the wars lol
Erin: we did and wanted to be sure this was a program about constitutional issues, federal policy and taxpayer funds rather than the rights and wrongs of the American west ;-)
sflow: but she is making it that erin
eddie515: We need to talk about the 13th and 14th amendments
sflow: how can she dish on her on family ?¿? !!!!!
eddie515: Critical part of the story
eddie515: I don't think she is, it's more of a history lesson and the effects of bad laws.
sflow: the con stu means nothing to as a tribal member on the rolls lol!!!!
sflow: me
sflow: you guys invaded our country lol !!!!!!!!!
SYSTEM: Please welcome ele who just joined the chat.
ele: Anyone having problems with the audio?
sflow: nope
Erin: at some point we're either Americans or we aren't. How long do reparations need to go.
ele: Anyone here from MT?
SYSTEM: Please welcome Patriotx who just joined the chat.
Erin: Many of them called from MT but not sure on the chat
sflow: sry have to say no to that erin
Erin: to all living under the same laws?
sflow: we had laws
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sflow: this is like the wars now we go over there and force are laws on them :-(
Erin: going forward in the US do we have 2 governments here though? If so, do they self-sustain and stop receiving govt funds then? It's messy and seems to be getting messier
sflow: we due it !!!!!!!!!!!
SYSTEM: Please welcome ele who just joined the chat.
sflow: give us our land back !!!!!!!!
Erin: we've done it many times and the tribes sell it. Klamath was on round 3 with the agreements that just lapsed.
eddie515: Didn't we buy some land for beads and blankets?
Erin: nobody took it from them. they sold it. twice. are they due it a 3rd time then?
eddie515: I think Donald Trump's Great Grandfather made that deal
ele: Finally I got back audio. Indians are dependent sovereigns.
SYSTEM: Please welcome BooFeathers who just joined the chat.
Erin: klamath tribe wanted same 90,000 acres again with $300,000K
eddie515: ele, dependent sovereigns?
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Erin: they are "sovereign" but dependent on the government I think
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SYSTEM: Please welcome ele who just joined the chat.
ele: Lost the sound again and connection. Erin is right.
BooFeathers: Indian,Um, one time we were many, now we are few! Jihadist says once we were few, now we are many. Cowboy says, we have not started playing Cowboys and Muslims.
eddie515: So sovereign, they make their own laws but get federal money to live on?
sflow: yesssssss
eddie515: There you go, slamming the cowboys! :>)
sflow: because its due to us !!!!!!!!!
BooFeathers: Spoiler: DENVER 54 - NE 6
BooFeathers: JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!
sflow: dont want ne to win again lol
BooFeathers: Good come back eddie....
sflow: last yrs was fixed lol
eddie515: Why can't they make their own laws and support themselves? Or be like all the rest of the US citizens and get off the federal payroll?
sflow: cause iots our money !!!!!!!!!!!
Erin: nope
sflow: yes
Erin: you can't be sovereign and dependent at the same time
eddie515: Is everything in the country indian property?
sflow: you stole from us !!!!!!!!
BooFeathers: You can be Male and Female at the same time, ask Caitlin
Erin: HA HA HA HA HA true that!!!!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: Stole some, bought some, married into some......
Erin: just like every other nationality
sflow: i can fight all day on this sub¿ect
eddie515: Can't be ALL indian land
Erin: by this logic I'd better get back to Ireland and Iceland and kick sombody out of their house
BooFeathers: Checking score, will not send spoiler. This topic make me want fire water.
eddie515: Get that damn question mark right or we are going to have a problem! LOL
sflow: why not ed we were here first lol
Erin: Hey, S, the book is really good and so is the CERA newsletter. I think you'd find that it's not anti-indian actually
sflow: that was my j in subject hehe lol!!!!!!!!
Erin: Elaine's point is that the indians, through this federal policy that is seemingly making them rich, is actually keeping them poor and dependent
eddie515: So possession isn't 9 tenths of the law?
Erin: is that a joint in your pocket?
Erin: oh, not that kind of possession. my bad.
sflow: who's
Erin: who?
Erin: at the zoo
eddie515: It's still a fatty!
Erin: roll on you beautiful bean
Erin: ah, but I digress
sflow: cheech and chong .now thats a ¿oint hehe
eddie515: Give me a beer and some indian flat bread and I'm good
sflow: in¿un taco hehe
Patriotx: If we went by indian cultier from the get go?? TeePees and no cell phones
sflow: not so
sflow: i mad there are no more in poltics !!!!
eddie515: We'd be better off I think.
eddie515: Why the hell would you want to be in politics
Erin: I do like the indian tacos. probably 8 million calories but awesome
sflow: not me lol i only vote in the tribe lol
eddie515: The minute you get elected, you are a no good bas____ and people think you're bought and paid for
Patriotx: Theres nothing holding them back just like anyone else
sflow: i have never voted in the govt
eddie515: You not trust the long knives?
Erin: sort of contributes to the problem don't you think?
sflow: naw lol
sflow: bitch and go with the flow lol !!!!!!
eddie515: I think you are just bitter cuss you can't give haircuts anymore.
sflow: lol
Erin: didn't you hear that bitching it's allowed if you don't vote?
Patriotx: Strong cultures have have strong cultures. Still no "N" word for indians
eddie515: I never trusted an Indian barber. Just say'n
sflow: and yes i 54 yrs old and hair down to my butt lol
sflow: have
Erin: hey, I'm 54. that was a good year
Erin: n word for indians?
Erin: what did i miss patriotx?
eddie515: I'm older and have hair where it dosen't belong
sflow: i am not to say i am a real native of the country !!!!!!!!!
sflow: afraid
sflow: lol ed ears and nose lol !!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: Thanks for being polite
Erin: oh you have no idea
Erin: bad visual. thank goodness for radio
sflow: i like you guys i your fav fan hehe !!!!!
Erin: we thought of you when we were working on this. wanted to be sure it was clear we are educating on policy and not commenting on heritage.
sflow: i throw a hissey when its a repeat in the chatroom lol !!!!
eddie515: You my favorite indian chief
Erin: you keep us busy on the chat ;-)
sflow: i checked yor site on friday to see who you hadand made a point to be home today for it lol !!!!!!
eddie515: Good move, we try to get the site updated as soon as possible
eddie515: We are getting lots of hits on the site
sflow: i see its really grat for you guys :-)
sflow: great
Erin: we're over 200 every day of the week although we only air one show.
Erin: lots of folks listening on the archive. Any sponsorship leads would be appreciated.
sflow: that why you need to be 3hrs lol
sflow: sovren is to long at 4hrs !!!!!!!!!!!!
sflow: its that same crap that the ¿eff show does lol !!!!!!
sflow: they get 5hrs you only get 2 :-(
Erin: not sure what to say S. it does cause us to focus and not just blow on about our topics at least.
Erin: I know, if this is focus ..... what sort of nuttiness are we up to when we ramble. oh, I could tell stories..........
sflow: at least you better trhen the week day shows lol
eddie515: Yeah! No time to be blowing on!
Erin: Big Ted
eddie515: Yep!
sflow: with carl and linda whos never there lol
sflow: uncle ted cool
sflow: i have that album !!!!
Erin: sort of reminds me of the style of cheech and chong
eddie515: You are a rocker!
Erin: makes me laugh every time
sflow: plus another records hehe !!!!!
sflow: 1000
Erin: big fan of records
eddie515: wow
Erin: i still have some
sflow: saw him in beaumont ,txs erin bac in the mid 70's
Erin: I saw him at Day on the Green in Oakland with Blue Oyster Cult
eddie515: You are giving up your age
Erin: from what I remember ............
Erin: he climbed down onto the stage from the huge scaffolding holding up the lights. HE IS A WILD MAN!!!!!!!!!!
sflow: saw boc at the same arena to bac then hehe
Erin: those were the days ;-)
Erin: now you have more than 2 beers and you need an asprin
sflow: hell yeahhhhhhhhhhh hehe
eddie515: I must of got stoned and missed it
sflow: kinda a blurrr now hehe !!!!
sflow: saw alice cooper to
Erin: i do remember riding BART to the concert but the trip home is a bit fuzzy
sflow: hehe
Erin: I actually have no recall of who went with me or how many of us were there. My my my I was a delinquent
sflow: i missed led zep back at miami when we lived in naples fla
Erin: never saw them but it would be an awesome concert for sure
Erin: if you could remember it
sflow: mom wood not let me drive with some friends to it :-(
Erin: smart mom
sflow: uncle ted show up at one of bars by us that we were in and they shut it down early and ¿amed for 2hrs that was sooo cool !!!
eddie515: Ted is a total crazy man. I love watching him on the old hunting shows
sflow: wish i had a iphone back then lol
sflow: he knows how to live in life to day
eddie515: Apple is the devil! Get thee behind me satin!
sflow: what gets me over the yrs is the size of the phones they were huge ,then small now getting bigger lol at the tech world lol !!!!!!!
eddie515: Apple was all into being the smallest, now they are going BIG!
eddie515: Big cowboy and indian music day
eddie515: We need some Spirit Drums
Erin: I learned last night that Custer was the first to wear an Arrow shirt
sflow: every time i hear that song it makes methink of the movie . grapes of wrath :-(
eddie515: He was a trend setter
sflow: grandma was born 1914
sflow: she died in dec last yr at 101 :-(
Erin: wowza!
Erin: that's some longevity!
eddie515: What a ton of history she had!
Erin: you are super lucky. my grandparents have been gone since i was in college
sflow: to think you can live that long and see how the world changes !!!!!
Erin: did she enjoy the ride or rue the loss of the olden days?
sflow: both hehe
Erin: seems folks go one way or the other. my grandma loved progress. she lived near the college up in Olympia and couldn't get enough of the college kids. she was so modern and yet had those values from the farm where she was raised. good blend
sflow: she always had her glas of wine hehe
Erin: my gram was a beer drinkery. Oly - knew the brewery owners ;-)
Erin: drinker. WTH ... drinkery?
Erin: gotta lay off the beer during the show apparently
sflow: when they lived here .she would on news yrs .grab a pot and bang it with a spoon lol always woke us up lol !!!!!!
eddie515: That's funny
sflow: grandpa lasted 96yrs :-(
sflow: mom 75yurs ;_(
Erin: hope you planned for your retirement since you're going to live forever! Hell, we'd better rest up or you won't have a show to listen to on Sundays ha ha ha
sflow: cant i on ssi disabilty
Erin: better hope we don't screw the pooch and bust the bank
eddie515: Isn't that a white man program?
sflow: kind of suxs that they tell you have to spend of the money lol
sflow: to keeping the other lol
eddie515: Why can't you get hooked up with casino money? Would'nt that be better
sflow: cant make any money on it lol
sflow: lol
sflow: at least mom and grandma had free creamation from the tribe !!!!!
sflow: they payed for all of it !!!!!!
eddie515: Man I would be dealing cards and going for the jackpot retirement
Erin: how funny is this song?
sflow: mom is over my left shoulder in the book case hehe !!!!!!
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sflow: thats where she rests now :-) !!!!
Erin: i have a dog on the bookshelf. might creep me out to have a person. had to get used to the dog. we don't own this house so didn't want to bury him in the yard. waiting for a better spot.
BooFeathers: Let these government jackwagons come after the State Of Jefferson, when we get it through the corrupt system!
sflow: one of my uncles up in oakrun lives there and we have a family pet cemerty up there hehe !!!!!
Erin: it's all fun and games until you dig them up
eddie515: We are not perfect, and never will be
Erin: word is they get grumpy
sflow: no dig up that dis respectful
Erin: steven king has quite the immagination
sflow: he's on 10 acres
Erin: nice!
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Erin: I miss living in the country
sflow: guess the name hehe
eddie515: Do tell
sflow: zig zag lane hehe lol!!!!!!!!!!