sflow: ¿ello rte
RTE: I here all the mainsteam reporters claim we're in recovery,...LOL
sflow: has the wind hudd and puff down any trees by you ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sflow: huff
sflow: i saw a big round ball in the skye early lol
sflow: now it gone lol
RTE: any mutalations?
sflow: like you havnt been outside to see lol
RTE: how about crop circles?
SYSTEM: Please welcome eddie515 who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome Erin who just joined the chat.
eddie515: We are live!!
sflow: i wish the weeds lol
sflow: magor weedwacking next time nice lol
sflow: last time this year we were in the 80's and the 90's lol !!!!!!!!!!!!
RTE: "save the wolves" I'm for releasing them in the Sacramento parks 'BICYCLE TRAIL' and in the Golden Gate Park.
SYSTEM: Please welcome lol who just joined the chat.
lol: sflow
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
sflow: realse the hounds lol !!!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: Breakout the wooden stakes and silver bullets
sflow: peter pan lol
sflow: the wolfens hehe !!!!!
RTE: If he gets elecect snf turns out to be the real doer, he says he will do away with the EPA.
sflow: they are part of life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RTE: he =Trump
eddie515: Not mine
RTE: wolves do not elong in CA
sflow: look at wat happenned to the buffalol :-(
RTE: All this c&%(p is because we let our government appooint agencies thqat can somehow make regulations and fine us. This is unconstitutional and in my opinion proof of treason.
eddie515: You go RTE!
Erin: We're always going to have the folks who want more and more regulation. The trick is to find the balance and never allow it to grow.
RTE: If i goof up on my typing it's because of a laptop keyboard.
Erin: In the past we've defunded these agencies but with money they spring back as large as ever. In the next (hopfully friendly) administration we need to actually change the laws.
sflow: hey you came over here to leave all that crap .but now you you in foroce it lol !!!!!!!!!!
RTE: Why just stop the progress. Doug used to try and eliminate bad laws. Why not do away with this insanity?
eddie515: If your neighbor had a mean biting dog that came on your property you have the right to deal with it, if a wolf comes on your property and chases your livestock, you must leave it alone.. Hmmmmmm
RTE: Don't let that fish gate kill a mino.... $25,000 please.. or go to jail.
sflow: are you going after panthers and bears too ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!!
Erin: I'm holding out for mastadons
RTE: I think there should be an event where every elected politician had to face the crowd to receive parise or tomatoes.
sflow: hey if you want a ranch you better find out what is out there tooooo !!!!!!!!!!!
Erin: there is such an event. we call them elections.
Erin: in the House it happens every other year ;-)
RTE: elections should be more fun
Erin: oh, they are so much fun already if that's your industry
eddie515: When they bought the ranch there were no wolves, now they put wolves on your property and tell you to leave them alone.
sflow: lol
sflow: you have a puddle they say .you cant drain it cause of a fariy shrimp lol !!!!!!!!
RTE: I think there should be a place for wolves on the California's southern border,
eddie515: In California the collars will need to be gender neutral colors. or someone will sue!
sflow: put them in the woods .since we cant go to them lol !!!!!!!!
RTE: We could have a wolf petting zoo.
sflow: have you seen how many half breed dogs are wolves ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: If a wolf craps in the woods and nobody steps in it, is it really there?
RTE: Bob should start a show like the Doctor Demento show was.
sflow: people in the mnts lol !!!!!!
Erin: mnts?
Erin: Bob IS Dr. Demento
Erin: I guess his witness protection identity is blown now
sflow: ok erin i will try to spell it sy. mountains
Erin: ah, that's what I thought but wasn't sure ;-)
eddie515: If a male wolf wakes up in the morning and feels like a female wolf, what then, Hmmmm....
sflow: told you too i cant sped good lol :_(
RTE: a trans gender wolf
eddie515: My point exactally!
sflow: is it just the cattle up there ?¿? !!!
RTE: A trans gender wolf might be gay. those are called wothves
sflow: are the chickens getting wiped out tooo ?¿?
RTE: You have to be crazy to think wolves don;t bother cattle... they eat them alive.
sflow: how bout lamb ?¿?
sflow: we have had a drought for years
sflow: are they mulited lol
sflow: aliens lol
eddie515: If I got chased by a wolf, my demeaner would change too
sflow: bs
sflow: a bear,alion ,or a wold ed ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!!
RTE: Why is it that liberals don't seem to like the human race? Life is rough for all animals. Humans raise cattle and farm. This seems to be something that liberals reject. The human race seems to be on a suicide mission.
sflow: flow hjehe
sflow: which wood you shoot ed ?¿? !!!!!!!
sflow: only 6 shots ?¿? !!!!!!
RTE: How much money are we spending on this nonsensical testing? I object to the insanity. Just spend time keeping ourselves well , our cattle well, and our farm products health. The rest of this is nonsense.
sflow: how wood you shoot erin ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!!!
RTE: I didn't know that Bob could yodal?
sflow: lol
Erin: sorry, lost track of the chat for a bit. where are we?
eddie515: Which one would I shoot? The hungryest one!
Erin: somebody wants to shoot me? Bet it's the bureau of reclamation - my latest enemy
sflow: i ask you all again. a bear,a mountin lion, and a wolf . who wood you shhot and why ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!!!
RTE: I think we should create an "Adopt a Wolf" program for Bay area residents. This way they can learn how nice they are.
Erin: I guess I'd shoot any or all if they were threatening me, my family or my pets/livestock
sflow: rte who wood you shoot first
Erin: they are already losing lots of little dogs to coyotes in golden gate park
RTE: You'd be fined and lose your job.
Erin: and likely my liberty for 5 years according to John ;-(
sflow: we have bobcats out here doing that now
RTE: Golden Gate Oark would be a great location for a wolf petting zoo.
RTE: Golden Gate Park
sflow: due we sit out side and shoot them tooo ?¿?¿ !!!!!!!!!!!
Erin: it's coming for them if the coyotes have figured out it's yummy there
RTE: I would not blame any rancher that would kill a wolf that came into his family's living area.
sflow: do we shoot the jackrabbits for eating our gardens ?¿? !!!!!!!!!!
sflow: how about the deer ?¿? !!!!!!!!!
sflow: you moved in there place lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sflow: tell me you tooo ?¿? !!!!!!!!
RTE: I think there should be a referendom to have all regulations voted on by congress before their implementation. Maybe Doug could introduce something like that?
sflow: Bison Skull Mountain
sflow: you try to do the wolves just like you did the bison :_(
RTE: Make those people who wanted the wolves introduced pay the ranchers for their loses.
sflow: its nature
eddie515: I didn't move to a place where there were wolves and Grizzly Bears. And lets be honest, the indians didn't live in the same space with those animals either. If the tribe had a problem with animals they killed them too.
sflow: for food we did ed
RTE: I really think wolf petting zoos can educate liberals
eddie515: So if a bad bear or a pack of wolves became a problem, they moved to a safer place?
sflow: nope
eddie515: As the tribes grew and pushed into the wolves territory, they stopped growing the tribe?
RTE: Therfe should be a wolf preserve created on Browns frracking properties.
sflow: who did you think to breed them to dosmestica them !!!!!!!
sflow: sry cant sped hehe
eddie515: Where did they get the bear skins and wolf skins they wore?
RTE: We can create preserves with electric fences (solar) and feed them with the AB109ers.
sflow: same place you whitters did to move to the west for gold lol !!!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: I think they all had a tag that said "Hencho en Mexico" ;>)
RTE: And we wonder wher3e aor money is going...
RTE: CA is driving business away... and I think it is on purpose.
sflow: no it said made in
RTE: : >
Erin: Hard to stay whether or not it's on purpose. Ideologues don't really ever consider consequences.
RTE: : > O
Erin: I wish we could still wear fur. It's awesome. Eat meat. Wear fur!
sflow: sry have know ideal what you ¿ust said erin
sflow: i have a ged lol
RTE: a lot af fur is synthetic these days,
sflow: we use to make tv.s too lol
RTE: We lived in an insane world... So what can we do about the insanity?
eddie515: Take more drugs cus It's only going to get worse!
sflow: hehe yaaaaaaaaaaa
RTE: It just isn't fair! We should have other preditors too like panthers, A
RTE: African lions, ect....
RTE: Awhile we're at it, lets take out the northern dams and save the salmon... and how about those high slaries we pay those agents who are practicing stupid aleagence??
sflow: i dont know why you dont use the same name ?¿?
RTE: same name?
eddie515: Private joke, sorry
RTE: no secrets please... ther3e is a PM button.
eddie515: Please forgive us
RTE: never
RTE: Just put a season on wolves.... that will solve alot of it.
eddie515: You mean if we turn into the State of Jefferson that won't cure the problem?
Erin: Wish I could give you guys an update on the dams today. Had an amazing time these past 10 days. LOTS of drama
RTE: How about introducing wolves in Afghanistan?
Erin: hunting worked once before. should work this time too!
eddie515: It will cure everything else.
Erin: It's going to be a while and there will be a whole lot of damage before things swing back the other way.
Erin: That's how it always works. Gets way out of orbit and then has to come around. Look at human crime. We crack down then we legalize drugs and it soars. Then we crack down .....
eddie515: Look at my life, divorced twice, then started again. :>)
eddie515: I'm a believer in trading up for a newer model.
sflow: hehe lol
RTE: I think it would be cheaper to build another capital in Sacramento to do the real legislation and keep the one on Capital Mall as an insane asylum
RTE: The real tool is a 306 with a scope and night vision
sflow: helll yaaaaaaa hehe
RTE: All these things cost money... how convenient
eddie515: Another industry is born
RTE: This is all so insane. Everything costs t3eh tormented rancher.
RTE: t3eh = the
eddie515: Clap for the wolfman
sflow: lets wpe out a another animal lol !!!!!!!
RTE: We are stupid, we are stupid.... why dowe have big government and many un needed federal agents??
eddie515: Maybe if they have to be introduced to an area, make somewhere there aren't people. Oh that's right, they are already doing quite well in the Canadian wilderness.
sflow: lets kill more animals !!!!!!!!
eddie515: Only the tasty ones, leave the rest alone
sflow: wipe them out lol !!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: Don't waste any meat, head shot
sflow: no food relie for the gmo farms løl !!!!!!!!!!
sflow: we telll you what to eat løl
eddie515: Some day it will all come from a tube and we'll just add water
sflow: space food løl !!!!!!!
eddie515: Tang and creamed Hamberger, Yum Yum
RTE: Beam me up Scotty
sflow: blender foød hehe lol !!!!!!!!!!!
eddie515: Cuts back on the dental bills
sflow: nothing real anymore lol !!!!!!
RTE: Quick before these zombies attack... please Scotty
sflow: wwz lol