SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Please welcome eddie515 who just joined the chat.
eddie515: afternoon all
RTE: Hell-o Eddie
eddie515: RTE
SYSTEM: Please welcome KissOfTheWolf who just joined the chat.
KissOfTheWolf: Listening in...from the Baci Fam
eddie515: Hello Baci Fam!
RTE: Do you show your teeth with your wolf kisses?
RTE: It will be good to hear from a good dam lawyer.. I hope we can raise the money for Kogan.
KissOfTheWolf: Hi Eddie!!
eddie515: He is driving BOR crazy!
KissOfTheWolf: And Hammie!
eddie515: How are the wolf people doing?
KissOfTheWolf: Hi Hammie!!
KissOfTheWolf: Dam Mad!!!
RTE: It's very provable if you can wake up the citizens to listen.
eddie515: He is sleeping
KissOfTheWolf: Southern Poverty Law Center is after me again
eddie515: Now What?
KissOfTheWolf: Of ALL the people interviewed on Klamath River dam rally in Yreka they needed to spew their hate against me again!!
RTE: I wonder why they didn't want to commit suicide... what is wrong with those farmers and ranchers?
eddie515: You must be doing something right, or they wouldnt care
RTE: Love Bob's music
RTE: It is just palin stooooooopid to take out dams..??? Don;t the idiots know how the imperial valley became fertile?
SYSTEM: Please welcome Erin who just joined the chat.
Mike&Patty: who is talking right now?
eddie515: Larry Kogan
Erin: Lawrence Kogan, attorney for Klamath Irrigation District
Mike&Patty: thanks
Mike&Patty: Erin did Sami Difortam (not spelled right) contact you about the Shasta Indians burial sites that will be taken out if they remove the dams?
Erin: Not yet. I have known about the burial grounds for a long time though
RTE: Debbie interviewed her on facebook
RTE: I have the video saved
RTE: If the burial area will be damaged, then Larry might be able to use that to stop the idiocy
eddie515: They don't care because the Shata Indians aren't a recognized Tribe
Mike&Patty: cool, I grew up with her. I sent her your contact info and that of Fred Kelly Grant. Her family is Shasta Indian and she's something big in Indian affairs, flies around to DC
Erin: The bad part is that since they are not federally recognized their voice is not being heard. There have only been four tribes involved - Yurok, Hoopa, Karuk, Klamath
Mike&Patty: I didn't know they weren't recogonized
RTE: Oh really, and the Bear Lodge indians are?
Erin: Good deal. I had a computer problem a couple of weeks ago that ate a lot of email and I've been having some difficulty there. If she emailed me please have her give me a call 530.515.7135 or shoot me a text
Mike&Patty: I think it was a week ago that I gave her the email address
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
Erin: ah, she may have been sucked up in my computer issues
eddie515: Joan's voice is a gift from Heaven, too bad her politics are so wacked!!
RTE: Looks like if the Yurok, Hoopa, Karuk, Klamath tribes get their way, they will be living in TPs again and will not be able to turn on the vibrators in their lazyboys.
RTE: Am I being racist? sorry
Mike&Patty: are you guys on until 1 or 2? I sent Sami a message via FB, but don't know if she'll call in
RTE: 2
eddie515: 12 to 2pm
Erin: We are on from noon - 2pm. Perhaps we should schedule her for a time when we are speaking specifically about the dams.
RTE: The problem stems from a disease called Enviromentalitis
Erin: and controlism
eddie515: There is a cure!
RTE: I think you have to inject lead
eddie515: It's called, "An administration change"
Mike&Patty: I'm chatting with her on FB now, I asked her if she'd like to go on the show sometime
RTE: that is a hope
eddie515: Than hire the right people to manage. Or get rid of the BOR
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
Erin: KID = Klamath Irrigation District (sorry for the acronyms)
eddie515: And a bunch of other 3 letter groups
Mike&Patty: Sami Difuntorum said yes, she'd like to come on the show.
RTE: I'm for getting rid of the BOR BLM AND EPA
RTE: And get rid of the federal contol over our children's education
eddie515: And the dept. of education and DOE (Energy)
RTE: Amen
SYSTEM: Please welcome SJD who just joined the chat.
SJD: Problem is that the Shasta have burial and village sites undertow sediment at Copco and iron gate.
SJD: Removing dams expose graves
RTE: A bunch of Dam graves O NO
RTE: A grave problem
SYSTEM: Please welcome SJD who just joined the chat.
SJD: Not quite so funny when it's your family
eddie515: Not funny at all!!!
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SJD: Agree
eddie515: It's totally the srtong arm of the fed. government
RTE: There were a bunch of damned dam lawyers at that meeting
SJD: And excessive influence of the tribes who benefit
SYSTEM: Please welcome KissOfTheWolf who just joined the chat.
RTE: You know, it's really hard for me to not call natives stupid when they go for ideas like taking out dams.
RTE: The money will only last so long before you will see that I'm right that they will have to live in TPs again.
KissOfTheWolf: Remember ALL agreements require dams to be removed and have absolutely NOTHING to do with control of water to the irrigators in the upper basin. EXXXXTORTION!!
SYSTEM: Please welcome SJD who just joined the chat.
RTE: If the dams are taken out the indians will be up the creek
KissOfTheWolf: ain't that the truth RTE
KissOfTheWolf: Up the creek with their paddle and NO WATER
SJD: Shasta tribe has different stake because of our sites. We are not parties to the Agreements
KissOfTheWolf: We are behind you Sami
eddie515: The Government doesn't get to make an offer they can't refuse!
SJD: It has more to do with expanding their territories and a significant influx of public funds to the three tribes that have instigated
eddie515: We need to stop them and their strong arm tactics!!
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
RTE: It is all about converting the whole world to the 2030 plan (Agenda 21 which is not ever mentioned in the meetings)
SYSTEM: Please welcome SJD who just joined the chat.
eddie515: Another patch on Erin's War vest. Another one bites the dust. Ouch!
Mike&Patty: Erin, Sami will call you about 3 this afternoon
eddie515: We have a dinner meeting at 3;30
eddie515: Might have to talk fast
eddie515: I just love it when a bureaucrat gets fired!
Mike&Patty: okay, want it sooner?
RTE: It really isn't fair to attack our farmers and ranchers. I really want there to be some retrobution after we win this fight. I think Obama should have his library in Kenya.
Erin: Have her call at 3. We can pick a longer time to speak when she calls.
eddie515: If we can get a fighter in the White House it will solve a lot of this
RTE: I hope who ever gets in knows about this and is with us to stop the insanity
eddie515: We will have a lot better chance to at least have a voice in any future agreement
RTE: Please, no more liberals..PPPLLLLEASE
RTE: Dams should be deamed a public necessity. Private or government owned. People depend on them. Would the government let Bill Gates destroy his Windows operating system?
RTE: Obama speak with forked tunge
eddie515: OK, we'll give the money to the Government and they'll spend it. You just need to trust that they spend it properly.. Cuz every other agency spends their money wisely
RTE: The government is full of wise guys
eddie515: Who you talkin too? You talkin to me?
RTE: You are the last one standing
eddie515: Stick your nose in to far and you'll ge t wacked!
RTE: I'm recording this..... What...I'm on your side
eddie515: They do a lot of work with digging holes and mixing concrete
RTE: count the supervisors standing there doing nothing
RTE: How many Dam lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
eddie515: Return everything to private contractors
Erin: S!!!! We've missed you
sflow: get him eddie hehe !!!!!!!!! howwwwwwwwwl
sflow: jello all here
sflow: ¿.
sflow: been here the whole time .reading the chat and listen on the radio
Erin: good times ;-)
Erin: I've had a WHOLE lot of fun with Larry this past week tormenting the bureaucrats
RTE: EXTORTION EXTORTION... government's way of working... everything is a it or this will happen. Remember Anselmo
sflow: signs signs eveywhere signs do this do that signs lol
KissOfTheWolf: DAM MAD!!
RTE: Tem were the days
RTE: missed the h key
sflow: ¿ello kiss !!!
eddie515: Create a crisis, panic the population, step in and solve it at any cost. BS!
eddie515: Backup, there was no crisis!
sflow: lol
Erin: Nothing to see here. Move along.
eddie515: Just pay the bill, trust us
RTE: Just think, if everything was solved there would be nothing to talk about... show cancelled
sflow: lol
RTE: Bob knows how to dig...Dig that Bob
RTE: One government practice is voting then reading
RTE: I wasw wondering... Did the Soix ever sue anyone?
eddie515: They were all lawyers
sflow: could it be from treaties signed to us from back in in the 1800's
RTE: No wonder Custer lost
sflow: as you kept taking more and more of our rights away ?¿? !!!!!!!!!
Erin: except for the part where we've given many of these tribes the same land over and over again. Klamath tribe is a good example. Same 90,000 acres has been given to them twice and they sold the land. Bargaining for a third bite of the apple.
sflow: money makes the world go around hehe
sflow: cabriet
sflow: you must buy small apples erin hehe !!!!!
RTE: money makes the world go around....But taking the dams out will make the money disappear
sflow: dam i agre with rte hehe !!!!!!!
RTE: tanks
eddie515: The BOR has a problem and they know it!
sflow: u welcum
sflow: why are there soooooo many departments covering the same thing ?¿? !!!!!!!
RTE: That! Lawyer from NY!!
RTE: It's bigger than that... it;s the UN that is behind this.
Erin: So many departments are focused on the Klamath because if they get away with it they will do it all across the country
sflow: cant they narrow it doen to 2 and save the country some money ?¿? !!!!!!!
sflow: down
eddie515: They have got to clean up their past bad behavier, and there is lots of it
Erin: This white house has NO interest in saving anyone anything
RTE: California is the testing ground for a Regional UN borders
RTE: SCAG proves that
sflow: look at ebola he let in lol
RTE: Jerry actually salavates at seperation from the US to form a New World Order
eddie515: The current administration wants nothing more than to run everyone off the land and put them in the big cities where they can control them
RTE: Obama wants to rule the world.
sflow: hell the last big quake i member up here was a 5.5
sflow: 5.2