jimmy: awwww , shows over :(
Wiedy: Good day all!
jimmy: Next show is great too...
SYSTEM: Please welcome Erin who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome eddie515 who just joined the chat.
eddie515: hello all
jimmy: howdy eddie515
jimmy: the most northern county in SOJ :)
eddie515: Jimmy!
jimmy: cannibis?
jimmy: someone opened a can of biss
jimmy: yes the big growers are the prob
SYSTEM: Please welcome LVDAD who just joined the chat.
eddie515: Hey Dad, how goes it?
LVDAD: Can't go outside - the heat will fry you like an egg.
eddie515: That's what I heard, Stay inside for sure!
Erin: Same here. Good day for radio ;-)
jimmy: Hi, can I get a cup of coffee, a side of hash browns and a State of Jefferson please".
Erin: still have the ACLU ;-(
jimmy: I just want to spray lysol on these ACLU wankers
Erin: nice British spin there Jimmy
LVDAD: What does a voter present to vote in CA and how do you keep the illegals off the voting roles?
jimmy: sorry couldnt help it...:)
eddie515: et lost and never seen again. Huge area.
Erin: Good question. We aren't allowed to ask for Driver's License at time of vote. Go figure
LVDAD: in other words, all you need is an address????
jimmy: letting illegal's vote is like letting another counrtry rule us
eddie515: Siskiyou Co. is a huge area
Erin: You must have a physical address WITH a house
Erin: these guys were putting parcel numbers on the registration
eddie515: And live there 6mo. /yr
Erin: many were also found to be registered in other places around the state
LVDAD: THAT IS TOTAL BS!!!!!!! Millions of illegals voting
jimmy: bing, yes
Erin: and yet when you actually bust them you are .... wait for it ... a racist. Who could have seen that coming
jimmy: exploit the situation
jimmy: This guy is spot on
jimmy: squatters
LVDAD: CAN'T the sherriff cut the Money off ----
jimmy: and shipped to other statex
jimmy: yup
Erin: cut the money off from what?
SYSTEM: Please welcome Tulelaketom who just joined the chat.
LVDAD: From the sale-- they have to pay for the crop by sale money is created and that should be cut off ---like they did with the mob in prohibition
jimmy: hi guys. Ever notice during the autunm months there are so many out of state licesce plates there are here?
Erin: there are a LOT right now.
Erin: The sales are happening out of state
Tulelaketom: Ask the Sheriff why the Secretary of State does not prosecute the felonies. Voter fraud is a felony I think
jimmy: yeah, cause they are coming here to traffic
Erin: will do. having some problems with him hearing us so it's hard to ask questions right now
LVDAD: Can the sherriff us Drones to find the plantings?
Erin: they are taking it out of the area to sell
Erin: not sure on the drones but will ask
Tulelaketom: Kick the machine. It always works for me
Erin: HA!
jimmy: hey Yeah , here iws a question for guest, " how many meth labs have you busted" and " is it under controll
Erin: I'm not sure on the meth but most of that is in town from what I have heard
jimmy: and with this influx of mexican cartell's who controll all apects of the spectrum. Tell us about the 1-5 corridor and the herion and meth problem due to mexican cartels
Erin: it's amazing how many of these people are coming from Minesota, Wisconsin and points east
eddie515: How about using the F&G to investigate the polution angle
LVDAD: Er, Should should serious about the State of Jefferson!!!!
eddie515: They are just dreamers, looking for a better way of life!
Erin: They see all of the license plates in the WalMart parking lot with brand new trucks loaded with "gardening equipment"
jimmy: ol bobby
LVDAD: Cut off their water----
eddie515: They just steal it
Erin: they don't operate on municipal water, it's coming in with water tankers
eddie515: Filled from fire hydrants
LVDAD: When I grew up when you stole water---you would get SHOT DEAD
Erin: we're really getting to that point again
eddie515: Oh it's different now, stealing isn't stealing and lying isn't really lying. WHere you been man!
Erin: Obama has done more for lying than the Irish ever dreamed of
eddie515: There you go being racist again
Erin: We call it blarney and it doesn't actually hurt people. This kind of lying is just so off the charts that normal people have trouble even fighting against it. We're always shocked.
eddie515: Just look at how crazy they get when you steal their weed!
Erin: I think that's why his administration wants to legalize pot. Nobody will notice the lies
Erin: the federal side has been directed to stand down for the most part on the illegals AND the drugs. That gives them a total green light.
LVDAD: WHO in the hell can tell you to "STAND DWN"
Erin: If you're a federal agency then your ultimate boss is the president. It's the same problem we have with every other agency running wild these days.
Erin: For all those folks who think that it doesn't matter who we elect as president I've got a news flash for you.
eddie515: Starts at the top, the very top, when the director of these agencies hands down an order to look the other way the minions in the field have no choice. or loose their jobs. We need more whistle blowers
LVDAD: AMEN but that is hard with all the illegals have the right to vote. They are bening paid to vote for H
eddie515: An admin. change is going to help
Erin: Isn't that the damn shame of it. Between the muzzies and the others flowing over the southern border it's meyhem
LVDAD: long over due -- CA needs one also
eddie515: Hillary will just continue the bad policies
eddie515: Sorry, California is a lost cause
LVDAD: If she get in we will be a Venzuela in her first term.....
eddie515: Buy a gun and protect what is yours the best you can
eddie515: Amen dad
jimmy: I am prayin' eddie , i am praying
LVDAD: I have GUNSSSSS but that won't keep me and the good guys alive.
Erin: and the rest of the country too if we're making a wish list ;-)
jimmy: I dont give a crap about some 9 to 5'er growing a couple of plants. But when the syndicate come's into the picture then hey .... GO AWAY
LVDAD: What are you local papers doing about telling the story - how harmful the
jimmy: not much
LVDAD: water usage is and damage to your future way of life.
jimmy: yeah then you see some dirtbag with no job and a 50,000 truck
eddie515: Gives a whole new meaning to migrant worker!
Erin: Here was the local article that ripped the sheriff http://www.redding.com/news/local/Siskiyou-sheriff-accused-of-intimidating-voters-382134091.html
Erin: I've posted others on the page for today
Erin: they are bringing in so much money that it's hard for a crushed economy to say no to the cash
eddie515: Go to Eureka during the harvest season. It is a total freak show. These folks can earn 3-4-5hundred bucks a day trimming bud!
LVDAD: CASH - BS you al won't have a place to live
Erin: oh I know it
eddie515: Mexican migrants never made that much picking fruit
Erin: the hardware stores and nursery guys need to band together and push back but they don't do that for the most part
LVDAD: The immediate effect is terrible but the long term is devastating -- hospitals filled with unproductive citizens.
eddie515: Why would they when people walk in with hands full of cash
LVDAD: If you don't beleive me look at the Neherland and western Europe Destoryed
eddie515: I walked into a business a few weeks ago, a soil retailer, and the owners was standing there with a bundle of cash 10 inches thick. Just got prepaid for top soil!
Erin: there is a water outlet in downtown Yreka where you can fill up containers or big trucks. The growers come in a buy tankers of water. Hard to know if it is for rural users or dope growers
Erin: they hire locals to deliver many times
Erin: people are so poor that they turn a blind eye most of the time. They have kids to feed.
Erin: It isn't right but with all of the timber, mining and other jobs that used to run that county have been crushed by the agencies
eddie515: What do you think these people are willing to do to make that payday?
eddie515: Don't tell me it doesn't have a impact on the crime numbers
Erin: Peter is from Australia. He is a HOOT!!!! Shreds the bureaucrats at public meetings like no other
Erin: He is a hard core American citizen
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
SYSTEM: Please welcome sflow who just joined the chat.
Erin: Hi S!!! How the heck are you?
sflow: lol
Erin: Sorry we got rolled by the ball game last week
Erin: We missed you guys
sflow: and the week before that was a repeat lol
Erin: Holy crap. You are right. We are losers.
sflow: good show today :-)
Erin: Really needs to be covered
SYSTEM: Please welcome ljs who just joined the chat.
Erin: Hi ljs
sflow: can really hear it good up here in shasta lake now hehe
Erin: nice. what changed?
eddie515: I think the new antenna is working better
eddie515: The old one got struck by lightning
sflow: before you went dead a mexi station was overriding you guys lol
ljs: regard the marijuana growers, where are those Canadian wolves when you need them?
sflow: i am a wolf l¿s hehe !!!!
ljs: re the growers, where are the canadian wolves when you need them
Erin: I hope you're happy. I just said that outloud. HA HA HA HA You are a bad influence
sflow: sflow=wolfs hehe !!!!!
eddie515: Just tell the F&G hat the growers are killing the wolves! That will get them in gear.
Erin: It's a feeding frenzy!!! Bureaucrats defending wolves attacking growers. Eeeeeeeeee
eddie515: Those wolf killing growers will instantly become public enemy #1
sflow: and nomore ar15's to take us out lol !!!!!
LVDAD: GREAT SHOW-- Thank the Sherriff for all his work. LOL
sflow: ^_^
SYSTEM: Please welcome RTE who just joined the chat.
Erin: Will do. I work with him a lot. He is a great guy.
sflow: ever smoke a shroom hehe !!!!
ljs: No wonder we cant sell our ranch in Shasta county -- the potential buyers are going to siskiyou
Erin: exactly!
RTE: Did you ever smoke a banana?
Erin: smoke while wearing a bandana?
ljs: I recommend the good sherrif sick the county planning department on the growers.
sflow: you mean the peel rte lol
RTE: Don't balgart it'
Erin: are we going Puff the Magic Dragon?
Erin: planning department is on them but can't do much without law enforcement because they have automatic weapons and are marching around threatening people
sflow: hr puff in stuff tv show lol !!!!!
Erin: S! You really get around. The peel?
sflow: naaaaa
sflow: having fun with rte lol
Erin: nice. love doing that too.
sflow: now peyote that diff hehe
eddie515: Have a problem having to puke before the high!
sflow: prickle pear jam and peyote
Erin: good to know
sflow: yummmmmmmmmm
sflow: weak stomach ed hehe
Erin: great song!!!!!
eddie515: Goes with my weak mind
Erin: no shortage of pot music!!!
sflow: lol
eddie515: That's why I don't add anything to make it worse
sflow: shroooms
sflow: dried or a tea lol
eddie515: I take CoQ10 not THC
sflow: lol
Erin: That's THC for people who are old LOL
sflow: the people that are old now dont have what out there now lol
sflow: look at the crap we had back than
sflow: then
eddie515: Mexi weed. Or, dirt weed
sflow: yaaaaaa
sflow: full of seeds lol
sflow: or thai sticxks
Erin: I've always had crappy lungs and I was an athlete so although I lived 10 years in Humboldt County I was never a smoker of anything. I did marry one once, however, and he did enough for both of us.
sflow: course the hash was great !!!!!!!!!!
Erin: I dated that guy for a while in college
Erin: Actually, I dated or married all of my drug use LOL
sflow: hard to get back then
Erin: As a good Irishman/Icelander I stuck to drinking ... where I was born to succeed.
sflow: there use to be headshops in redding
sflow: back in the 70's
Erin: I lived in Connecticut then and I am pretty positive there were no headshops
Erin: Actually, I was about 50 miles from Woodstock when it took place but didn't know it happened until I went to college and heard about it.
sflow: ed how long you lived here ?¿?
Erin: The Puerto Rican kids had all the pot in the inner city. When they bussed them into our schools we got quite an education.
eddie515: My whole life
sflow: you member the headshops here ?¿? !!!!
Erin: I've been in Redding since 1989 via Eureka, Walnut Creek, West Hartford, Seattle, Spokane
Erin: Insurance brat ;-)
sflow: you a newbie lol
Erin: post headshops
sflow: ed what schools you went to ???
sflow: member where nova was ?¿?
Erin: Isn't that U Prep now?
eddie515: High school in the bay area and Colusa, Yuba College
sflow: yaaaa was nova
eddie515: Moved to Redding in 86
sflow: damm newbie hehe lol
eddie515: Grew up in the Sac. valley
sflow: ¿usbob how long you lived here !!!!
eddie515: 30 years ago, damn, when am I not a newbie
sflow: good song hehe
Erin: funny one!!!!
eddie515: Classic
Erin: Haven't heard that in a long time
sflow: you too rember the show ab fab ?¿? !!!
Erin: Dang, my battery is going to die. If it goes before the end of the show we'll see you guys next week!!!!
sflow: plug in lol
sflow: hell carls dies every day about 8.45 am lol
eddie515: Just like the lottery was going to make our schools rich!
sflow: new battery lol
eddie515: Lies, Lies, Lies!!!
sflow: bathroom crank
sflow: yeaaa
sflow: thompson twins lies lies hehe
sflow: revole door at our /ail lol !!!!!
eddie515: Sad, very sad!
eddie515: Bring back public flogging!!
sflow: ¿ail