SYSTEM: ProducerJustBob just signed off.
SYSTEM: Guest just signed off.
SYSTEM: Please welcome eddie515 who just joined the chat.
eddie515: We are live
jimmy: still with'ya
SYSTEM: Please welcome HorseCreekMike who just joined the chat.
HorseCreekMike: Hey the Chats working
SYSTEM: HorseCreekMike just signed off.
SYSTEM: Please welcome HorseCreekMike who just joined the chat.
jimmy: was there opium involved here?
jimmy: just the fact of someone reclusing to a cave
jimmy: Sorry about my unsavory comments but, aye
SYSTEM: Please welcome Boo who just joined the chat.
eddie515: I'm back
eddie515: Had to step away
jimmy: Velkommen eddie
Boo: Hope you washed your hands
eddie515: I always wash before I go there
jimmy: sounds like hillary would get along with him quit well
Boo: why is there so many Muslims with the name Mohammed?
Boo: Good question Boo, I'll ask him
eddie515: Same reason there are so many Jesus's in Mexico?
Boo: I don't know of many Jesus's or Hezus in Mexico!
eddie515: I don't know many people in Mexico either, they all came here.
Boo: Hi Mohammed oh hi to you to Mohammed hows your brother Mohammed or he's good and so is my cousin Mohammed, etc
eddie515: lol
eddie515: but true
Boo: His website is amazing!
eddie515: Almost as good as the Koran!
eddie515: Off with their heads!!!
jimmy: Reminds me of the ol ' Bugs Bunny Warner Bros' Charactor "Hussain Chop"
HorseCreekMike: Nice try eddie
eddie515: JUst trying to help
HorseCreekMike: No revant badge for you
HorseCreekMike: relevant
jimmy: I'll have to remember this when traveling to samolia
jimmy: or the clinton account
jimmy: what was the payment thing he said?
HorseCreekMike: they just saved us a million bullets
jimmy: it was one of the 5 pillars. A payment to islam. I wonder if they have donated to the clinton foundation?
eddie515: Nice bullet remark!
SYSTEM: Please welcome Erin who just joined the chat.
Erin: I'm sure they have!
eddie515: That didn't go un noticed
HorseCreekMike: was that wrong?
eddie515: Mostly correct
HorseCreekMike: lol
eddie515: It could have been one bomb or a million bullets
HorseCreekMike: I like bad guys that self destruct
eddie515: Keeps the leaders on their game
jimmy: Bill Clinton must know this one
eddie515: He sort of believes the Koran
jimmy: I am loggin out, but will be listening via AM 1460
HorseCreekMike: bye
Erin: See you on Tuesday Uncle Mikey
Erin: What's on the agenda?
HorseCreekMike: think there is no meeting due to the fair
HorseCreekMike: will check
Erin: So I have a short day ... maybe I should go over to their booth
Erin: Rep women or tea party?
Erin: Wait ... isnt' the fair later in the week?
SYSTEM: Please welcome HorseCreekMike who just joined the chat.
HorseCreekMike: think it starts on wed
Boo: Wednesday, June 15 Fair & Carnival open 12 Noon to 11 pm • Gates close at 10 pm
Boo: Taking a break, listening
HorseCreekMike: Siskiyou Fair starts on the 10th
eddie515: He was not a very well traved soul
eddie515: That would be the same as someone who never left Shasta Co.
HorseCreekMike: His soul seemed to have traveled but his body didn't
eddie515: Now that is talent!
HorseCreekMike: My mind wanders about all the time and my body stays home
eddie515: The difference being, you know you're still at home
HorseCreekMike: I am????
eddie515: Breath Mike Breath!
eddie515: Walk it off
eddie515: Stay with us
eddie515: I didn't know about the IQ issue
Boo: I've got a .40 cal Excalibur with for a stinking Muslim
eddie515: You said Crap!
Boo: I interjected for Peter
eddie515: That's ok
eddie515: He'll catch up
eddie515: He wanted to say it
eddie515: Andalucian what??
Boo: There are so many translations on this Jihad CRAP, Allahu Akbar (Arabic: الله أكبر) is an Islamic phrase, called Takbir in Arabic, meaning "God is greater"
eddie515: Thank you for that
Boo: ???? Andalusian play noun An·da·lu·sian ˌan-də-ˈlü-zhən Popularity: Bottom 20% of words Definition of Andalusian : any of a breed of horses of Spanish origin that have a high-stepping gait
Boo: Beat the CRAP out them
HorseCreekMike: I knew that
HorseCreekMike: but I graduated for CampJeJeune High
Boo: Have you noticed the British cops are wearing helmets with the back of helmet covering their necks?
Boo: And I believe the French cops also.
eddie515: Kevlar replaced leather
Boo: I could not remember Kevlar, I was thing Teflon or chiffon??????
Boo: Sounds political
HorseCreekMike: chiffon would work
eddie515: Had to give up the Chiffon, too expensive
Boo: I use Big Lots toilet paper!
Boo: WTF was that??????????????+
Boo: Listening outside.....
eddie515: having a melt down, sorry
eddie515: If it was easy anyone could do it
Boo: Too much LSD catching you
eddie515: Hum a few bars,
HorseCreekMike: if this is a full melt down have Erin get your bucket ready
eddie515: It's ok to have a melt down as long as everyone dosen't do it at the same time
HorseCreekMike: The Moon God is a Godess!
Erin: Yikes, sort of blows their anti-woman deal
Erin: I REALLY should have focused more on history. Took some much history of literature in college. Sort of skewed my view
HorseCreekMike: The virgins my not be women
Boo: Rainbow Mike
Erin: Ewwww and they are USED!!!!!
Boo: OK, here's an analogy for interpretation; the Democratic Anti-Gun supporters of the Second Amendment and the Conservative interpretation.
Boo: Who's on First?
Boo: That was a good response Mike
HorseCreekMike: ty
Boo: Not a suppository
eddie515: No not a suppository!
Boo: Good one BOB
eddie515: It may feel that way
HorseCreekMike: speaking of the 2nd... my Grendel needs to be exercised
Boo: It comes down to Humanity" We all have a horizon, but not all of us have the same perspective.
eddie515: I need the Koran Cliff notes